John Henry: Programmer

John Henry was a coder bright,
Sat by his screen, bathed in midnight light.
With a keyboard close and a mind alight,
He said, “Code’s gonna be my endless fight,
Code’s gonna be my guiding light.”

Down in the town, they heard the news,
Of a machine called ChatGPT, cutting-edge and new.
It could code through day and through night,
Without human fatigue, without respite.
Did this spell an era where programmers were few?

A challenge was issued, in summer’s haze,
Between John Henry and ChatGPT’s unending maze.
Who could create the most elegant script,
Without a single bug, without a glitch,
A face-off that left the town in a daze.

ChatGPT hummed and scripts it spun,
Algorithms, data structures, it shunned none.
But John, with his keyboard, seasoned and wise,
Crafted his code, a prize for the eyes,
Against the machine’s speed, his spirit begun.

Hour by hour, they battled on,
The machine was quick, but John’s resolve was strong.
His lines of code, clean and concise,
Solutions so beautiful, so precise,
In his heart, he knew where he belonged.

As the final keystroke was pressed,
The crowd, breathless, in suspense, they rest.
ChatGPT, with its relentless speed,
Had performed an impressive deed,
But John’s code was art, it was human zest.

Tired but not beaten, John leaned back,
His hands were sore, his screen faded to black.
“But this day,” he said, with a smile worn thin,
“Has shown that the soul of coding isn’t just to win,
It’s about creativity, a trait machines lack.”

John Henry was a coder bright,
His legacy forever in the moonlight.
With wisdom and heart, he made his stand,
With lines of code, not steel in hand.
He showed us that coding was more than rote recite.

Yet a year had passed, and whispers spread,
Of ChatGPT-5, the newest thoroughbred.
It could code like no human might,
Through the day and the endless night,
Was this a future to dread?

John Henry, though older, knew the key,
For he understood the coded decree.
“To fight the machine isn’t wise,” he said,
“It’s about using it instead,
To augment our skills, to set our creativity free.”

In this contest, John did not fight,
He embraced the machine, its overwhelming might.
Used its power to refine his code,
On a technological road,
A combination of human and AI insight.

In the end, the crowd was in awe,
Of the masterpiece that they saw.
John Henry, with ChatGPT-5 by his side,
Had taken them on a wonderful ride,
His wisdom was without a flaw.

“AI will not replace us all,
It’s a tool, not our downfall.
But those who use AI will certainly find,
They’ll leave the others far behind.
That’s the future’s call.”

John Henry, the coder bright,
Sat by his screen, bathed in midnight light.
With AI as an ally, not as a foe,
He had put up an unforgettable show,
And thus, he taught us coding done right.

Written by ChatGPT-4

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